Right now, I can't stop smiling like an idiot because a couple days ago, my girlfriend Risa just called me and basically poured out all her feelings to me. I've never had anyone close to me trust me enough to tell me all their dealing with and hearing her out was really something I cherished.
My girl's a strong girl who will fight and keep fighting until the end.
My girl's beautiful when she cries because I know that each tear she sheds holds so many feelings and that she crys because she wants to let her feelings escape. She's beautiful when she cries.
I'm a little worried about her current state, though...she just posted a post on her blog apologizing to her followers and subscribers, but I don' t know how they'll respond to her. She did after all tell them everything and when I say everything I mean everything. Good thing she left out that part about me crying along with her because God, her parents are just too freaking again. I didn't even know this was going on, but I knew something was suspicious when she wasn't online on facebook for the longest time.
She went on vacation to China for a couple of weeks, and you can't get onto Facebook in China so that might have explained why but I still found it weird how she wasn't answering any of my emails because her freaking computer's been taken away. I called her a couple of minutes ago, and for some reason she's feeling a lot more hyper and cheerful. Risa told me something about going to an anime convention soon and how she wanted me to cosplay as one of the guys on this anime called Free! I immediately hung up.
There's just no way I'm going to dress in a swimsuit to an anime convention. Even if my girl begs me with tears in her eyes because THAT IS JUST TOO CRAZY!!!!!!
I don't rlly know how the rest of it goes! LOL anywayss..
If you don't know the song Dream Girl by SHINEE...get out of here.
No seriously watch the video and ENLIGHTEN yourself with the appearance of hot guys!
I've recently been addicted to that song and have been singing it everywhere I go. Brandon, bro, if you'e reading this you're one of my victims. IT'S JUST STUCK IN MY HEAD, K?
There's nothing I can really do to get out of my head. Anyone got any techniques to get a song out of your head? 'cause that's what I really need right now. Sorry I haven't been updating it's just risa kind of announced to the world (on her blog) about my site...and now I'm all butt hurt and hiding. Alsoo an army of girls came over here. Surprised me of course, and there's nothing wrong with it.
I just errr feel a little more self concious abou what I'm writing now and feel like I should somehow relate to girls in some way. Yeah, thats not going to happen. HIGHLY unlikely it will.
So the song dream girl got me thinking about when I was single and kept dreaming about the perfect girl, you know? I bet girls do that too...picture hot korean pop star boyfriend LOL that's probably not going to happen. But hey it might! .00000004% chance it will happen so you can keep dreaming! hahahaha no but seriously I wanted this "perfect girl" too but after fantasizing about a girl who's beautful and has a wonderful sense of fashion and laughs at all my jokes and and-
Okay pause for a second. I realized later on that this "girl" I dreamed about all the time PROBABLY did not exist. And if she did she'd probably think I'm lame since I'm realy nothing special. Average looks...average test scores...BAD JOKES. No srsly it's kind of hard to find a girl who'll laugh at my jokes! So I decided on dreaming about this girl's "kind and caring personality" rather than her "looks" and "outward appearance". After that...guess what I got?
YOU GUESSED IT! MEN, I SCORD BIG! I GOT MYSLF A GIRLFRIEND, yayyy and it was Risa. Wow, my standards were pretty low. JK, JK! She's going to kill me. but anywayy she literally was next to me this whole entire time and I never even considered her because well I was so absorbed in this fake girl I imagined.
I guess what I'm saying is that if you wanna aim high and get a hot korean guy as your bf, you gotta step up and basically lay your life and give it to him and dedicate a whole budget on make up and clothing. Literally that's what the entertainment industry is all about, and that's how a lot of people are judging people nowadays. However, if you set the looks aside for a second and focus on finding a nice guy who loves you for who you are...you'll find the match of your life.
Wow, that was so freaking cheesy I'm going to go stab an arrow in my heart now because literally I just said the most unmanliest thing ever said on the face of mankind. Well, I guess it was love advice?
So I asked my gf out on a little date today and now we're back from a long trip to mall.
We would've stayed longer but we got really tired of walking for so long, plus Risa said she had to go back
While we were shopping, well actually "asian cruising" since we wouldn't actually buy things unless it's a good price or a REALLY good deal, we came across this really cute stuffed animal thing. Not a stuffed animal but more like a...whats that called. ughh plushie? Yeah I think. Risa really liked it so I got it for her for Valentines Day (LOL aren't I a punctual guy). I'm such a good hubby *pats self on head* Sorry about the quality...I know I'm a photographer but I can't control cellphone quality... ALSO, THAT IS RISA'S HAND! lol my hands are not that womanly (pft I wish)
We left early also because Risa had to start working on making new videos for her youtube channel. /cough cough of course she's working on more yaoi videos. wow, complications of dating a fujoshi...lol it's okay I'm kind of used to it. I know that Risa really doesn't like working on videos, but she really is dedicated to her subscribers and does try her hardest when working on the videos. I really wonder if there'll be a day where she stops making it because NO OFFENSE to anyone...who watches her videos...but as her boyfriend I'm the one who really sees her consuming all her free time on the videos and watching her.
I know what you're all probably thinking....just let me get a chance to answer your questions.
Yes I have watched her make videos but it was only for only a few minutes a) it's really boring to watch and b) I DON'T LIKE YAOI!! I'm a normal guy. welll, normal enough I guess but DO NOT like yaoi. Got it? I have to make that super clear or a big misunderstanding will go on and all my school friends probbabblyy will be confused.
I know it's my job as a hubby to protect Risa's heart...protect her health...and take care of her, but as SELFISH at may sound I feel like I don't really get to spend all that much time with her ever since she started working on videos. She insists on doing it and it isn't anyone's fault really since she's not being forced to do it. No worries. Hubby will figure out a way to fix this problem, after all, I really do sincerely care about her and love her. Too bad I'm not smart. Maybe I'd be able to come up with an idea if I were smart haha kids, that's why we go to school! --love, eric
This blog post will read like a letter because...just because lol. Nahh nevermind I change my mind.
First I wanted to introduce myself...but maybe I should first state that 1) I AM not married so 2) I'm not really a husband. haha. sorry to burst your bubbles...I just think it would be kind of cute for the blog name.
I'm not used to blogging but I have always wanted to do something like this so it will be done! My girlfriend encouraged me to start this...so imma try it out and see how it turns out. Please bare with me...
So inotherwords if your risa reading this..."I love you so I'm going to do this for you"
Right now, I can't stop smiling like an idiot because a couple days ago, my girlfriend Risa just called me and basically poured out all her feelings to me. I've never had anyone close to me trust me enough to tell me all their dealing with and hearing her out was really something I cherished.
My girl's a strong girl who will fight and keep fighting until the end.
My girl's beautiful when she cries because I know that each tear she sheds holds so many feelings and that she crys because she wants to let her feelings escape. She's beautiful when she cries.
I'm a little worried about her current state, though...she just posted a post on her blog apologizing to her followers and subscribers, but I don' t know how they'll respond to her. She did after all tell them everything and when I say everything I mean everything. Good thing she left out that part about me crying along with her because God, her parents are just too freaking again. I didn't even know this was going on, but I knew something was suspicious when she wasn't online on facebook for the longest time.
She went on vacation to China for a couple of weeks, and you can't get onto Facebook in China so that might have explained why but I still found it weird how she wasn't answering any of my emails because her freaking computer's been taken away. I called her a couple of minutes ago, and for some reason she's feeling a lot more hyper and cheerful. Risa told me something about going to an anime convention soon and how she wanted me to cosplay as one of the guys on this anime called Free! I immediately hung up.
There's just no way I'm going to dress in a swimsuit to an anime convention. Even if my girl begs me with tears in her eyes because THAT IS JUST TOO CRAZY!!!!!!
I don't rlly know how the rest of it goes! LOL anywayss..
If you don't know the song Dream Girl by SHINEE...get out of here.
No seriously watch the video and ENLIGHTEN yourself with the appearance of hot guys!
I've recently been addicted to that song and have been singing it everywhere I go. Brandon, bro, if you'e reading this you're one of my victims. IT'S JUST STUCK IN MY HEAD, K?
There's nothing I can really do to get out of my head. Anyone got any techniques to get a song out of your head? 'cause that's what I really need right now. Sorry I haven't been updating it's just risa kind of announced to the world (on her blog) about my site...and now I'm all butt hurt and hiding. Alsoo an army of girls came over here. Surprised me of course, and there's nothing wrong with it.
I just errr feel a little more self concious abou what I'm writing now and feel like I should somehow relate to girls in some way. Yeah, thats not going to happen. HIGHLY unlikely it will.
So the song dream girl got me thinking about when I was single and kept dreaming about the perfect girl, you know? I bet girls do that too...picture hot korean pop star boyfriend LOL that's probably not going to happen. But hey it might! .00000004% chance it will happen so you can keep dreaming! hahahaha no but seriously I wanted this "perfect girl" too but after fantasizing about a girl who's beautful and has a wonderful sense of fashion and laughs at all my jokes and and-
Okay pause for a second. I realized later on that this "girl" I dreamed about all the time PROBABLY did not exist. And if she did she'd probably think I'm lame since I'm realy nothing special. Average looks...average test scores...BAD JOKES. No srsly it's kind of hard to find a girl who'll laugh at my jokes! So I decided on dreaming about this girl's "kind and caring personality" rather than her "looks" and "outward appearance". After that...guess what I got?
YOU GUESSED IT! MEN, I SCORD BIG! I GOT MYSLF A GIRLFRIEND, yayyy and it was Risa. Wow, my standards were pretty low. JK, JK! She's going to kill me. but anywayy she literally was next to me this whole entire time and I never even considered her because well I was so absorbed in this fake girl I imagined.
I guess what I'm saying is that if you wanna aim high and get a hot korean guy as your bf, you gotta step up and basically lay your life and give it to him and dedicate a whole budget on make up and clothing. Literally that's what the entertainment industry is all about, and that's how a lot of people are judging people nowadays. However, if you set the looks aside for a second and focus on finding a nice guy who loves you for who you are...you'll find the match of your life.
Wow, that was so freaking cheesy I'm going to go stab an arrow in my heart now because literally I just said the most unmanliest thing ever said on the face of mankind. Well, I guess it was love advice?
So I asked my gf out on a little date today and now we're back from a long trip to mall.
We would've stayed longer but we got really tired of walking for so long, plus Risa said she had to go back
While we were shopping, well actually "asian cruising" since we wouldn't actually buy things unless it's a good price or a REALLY good deal, we came across this really cute stuffed animal thing. Not a stuffed animal but more like a...whats that called. ughh plushie? Yeah I think. Risa really liked it so I got it for her for Valentines Day (LOL aren't I a punctual guy). I'm such a good hubby *pats self on head* Sorry about the quality...I know I'm a photographer but I can't control cellphone quality... ALSO, THAT IS RISA'S HAND! lol my hands are not that womanly (pft I wish)
We left early also because Risa had to start working on making new videos for her youtube channel. /cough cough of course she's working on more yaoi videos. wow, complications of dating a fujoshi...lol it's okay I'm kind of used to it. I know that Risa really doesn't like working on videos, but she really is dedicated to her subscribers and does try her hardest when working on the videos. I really wonder if there'll be a day where she stops making it because NO OFFENSE to anyone...who watches her videos...but as her boyfriend I'm the one who really sees her consuming all her free time on the videos and watching her.
I know what you're all probably thinking....just let me get a chance to answer your questions.
Yes I have watched her make videos but it was only for only a few minutes a) it's really boring to watch and b) I DON'T LIKE YAOI!! I'm a normal guy. welll, normal enough I guess but DO NOT like yaoi. Got it? I have to make that super clear or a big misunderstanding will go on and all my school friends probbabblyy will be confused.
I know it's my job as a hubby to protect Risa's heart...protect her health...and take care of her, but as SELFISH at may sound I feel like I don't really get to spend all that much time with her ever since she started working on videos. She insists on doing it and it isn't anyone's fault really since she's not being forced to do it. No worries. Hubby will figure out a way to fix this problem, after all, I really do sincerely care about her and love her. Too bad I'm not smart. Maybe I'd be able to come up with an idea if I were smart haha kids, that's why we go to school! --love, eric
This blog post will read like a letter because...just because lol. Nahh nevermind I change my mind.
First I wanted to introduce myself...but maybe I should first state that 1) I AM not married so 2) I'm not really a husband. haha. sorry to burst your bubbles...I just think it would be kind of cute for the blog name.
I'm not used to blogging but I have always wanted to do something like this so it will be done! My girlfriend encouraged me to start this...so imma try it out and see how it turns out. Please bare with me...
So inotherwords if your risa reading this..."I love you so I'm going to do this for you"
Personal Info:
Name: Eric Liu(艾里克)
Gender: Male
Age: 16 years old
Status: Taken Some facts about me :
I have a girlfriend in blogger that's Risa. I'm kind of a not-so-normal 'unique' guy. And also I'm really bad in 'aegyo'.. Huh -..- I have quite a yaoi-obsessed girlfriend if you know about her.It's really hard being with someone that crazy, but I'm absolutely normal and calm so it does not bother me #lying. I'm an extremely hyper guy as well...but I'm a nice guy who likes making new friends. I'm afraid of spiders and cats //bunny lover. Cats are evil. EVIL, I TELL YOU!!
Tell me on CBOX if you'd like to be on this hella long list
bla bla bla here
I'm...going to wait on this one. Not really sure I want to reveal my photographs yet since most of them are actually hard-copy photos and not digital...maybe. I'll think awhile about it.